
Social Events.

A number of social events are currently being planned.  These events will be open to members and non-members

Video Conference

On 10th April, 2024 there was a video conference between the committees of the twin towns of Bury, Schorndorf, Tulle, Dueville and Tuscaloosa (Alabama, USA) The meeting discussed the future social visits between these towns
 It was agreed that:
 Bury would visit Schorndorf in October 2024
Schorndorf would visit Bury in 2025
Tulle would visit Bury in 2026
Dueville was unable to make commitments at the present time.

Angouleme visit

A party of 9 from Angouleme will be visiting Bury from 18th to 22nd August 2024.
The main purpose of this visit will be to engage with many different organisations within the
Bury area 
with a view to forging closer links between the two towns and the possibility of
educational, commercial and cultural exchanges in the future.

Several meetings have been arranged at The Town Hall, The Elizabethan Suite, The Lancashire Fusileers Museum, East Lancs Railway Museum,  and  Bury Parish Church.  Due to space requirements, numbers at each location will be restricted.  Anyone who would like to participate should contact the secretary.
Mark Pitt on

There will be a social evening at the Irwell Works Brewery, Ramsbottom on
Tuesday 20th August starting at 7.30 to which all members are invited. 
Entertainment will be by local musicians.  No admission charge.


The Ukraine Society of Bury have been contacted by the Mayor of Bolarka, a town near Kiev.  They are hoping to set up a twinning agreement with Bury Council.  Committee members of this association have met with council leaders and the representatives of the Ukraine Society to discuss the possibilities.  The situation is currently under review by the Council.

AGM 2023

The 2023 AGM was held on Sunday 15th October 2023 at the home of the Chairman.

The Chairman gave a report of the work of the association during the past year
The Treasurer presented the accounts which were accepted.
Voting took place and the following officers were elected
Chairman: Yvonne Moore
Vice Chairman: Graham Lindley
Hon. Treasurer: Martin Ashton
Hon. Secretary: Mark Pitt
Minute Secretary: Mary Pitt
Social Secretary: Anita and Graham Lindley
Membership Secretary: Marilyn Butterworth.

The following members were elected to serve on the committee.
John Mallon   Eileen Winterbottom
Christine Ashton   John Butterworth
Stephen Ingham   Councillor Babar Ibrahim

Annual Subscriptions.
Annual subs have not changed for 6 years. They will continue at the same rate for the forthcoming year.Single member £7.50. Family membership £15.

Social Events.
See above for details of the trip to Barton Grange garden centre and the Christmas Dinner.

Secretary Mark Pitt will be sending out newsletters to all members of the Association 3 times per year giving information.

News from Twin Towns

Angouleme, France.
A small group of committee members recently visited Angouleme where they met the Mayor and the twinning association for discussions on future events. It is hoped that a party from Angouleme will visit Bury during 2024.
The twinning group in Angouleme will be holding a Youth Games during 2024 to coincide with the Paris Olympic games.
They would like a group of 7 young people aged 18 - 22 together with an adult from Bury to participate. Enquiries are ongoing to try to find people who would like to participate. They need to pay their own air fare but accommodation and food will be provided by the hosts.
Tulle, France
The Chairman and Secretary have held several Zoom meetings with the new committee in Tulle. Discussions are ongoing and two of their committee will be visiting Bury during 2024 to make future arrangements
Schorndorf Germany
We have been invited to visit Schorndorf in October 2024. Details are not available yet but it is hoped that the visit wil coincide with the annual pumpkin festival.
Woodbury USA.
No news
Dueville, Italy
No current news due to their elections and a new mayor taking office.